The ominous situation brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic continues to haunt the country. Predictions for India, based on the curve in other countries, foreshadow a resurgence of the virulent threat till the middle of August. Thereafter, the situation is likely to ease with the flattening of the COVID-19 trajectory. However, proper planning and preparedness for the near future can help us tide through this pandemic without unnecessary worry.
Even for a community of educators and administrators engaged in running and managing public residential schools, the post-COVID-19 scenario does pose some major challenges. The tasks ahead do seem daunting in these conditions, but these unprecedented situations and challenges do hold the clues for the solution.
Covid19 has been a life changing experience for most people throughout the the time to come people will be more conscious about health, hygiene and food and this is for good
A ‘Quid Pro Quo Mechanism’ needs to be evolved and functionally enabled, but it will require astute planning and sticky implementation on the ground. The schools managing committee, educators, students, parents and administrative staff have to be a part of this mechanism to ensure that the rules of social distancing, dietary, personal hygiene and exercises are strictly adhered by everyone.
Classrooms can be rearranged to ensure safe proximity between students. Computer labs on campus can be used to ensure equal access to students in ongoing classroom teaching exercises.
One of the greatest challenges is in the hostels, where students are housed. In order to ensure appropriate social distancing, some students would have to be shifted to other hostels and this means that residential schools must have sufficient furnished spaces and should be able to accommodate students as required, even in the face of changing circumstances. Other schools may have to come up with new infrastructure, which means that for this period, online classes have to be taken into account while teaching is going on in the classroom.
Hostels will have to be regularly sanitised at least thrice a day. The same hygiene standards need to be maintained in the academic blocks and dining halls and other likely places where students often spend their free time.
Special importance to hygiene in dining halls has to be implemented along with distancing. Hand sanitizers will be made available to each and every student, staff member and visitor of the hall. Even if the strength is more, the number of shifts can be increased.
The implementation of medical advisory in letter and spirit has to take place to break the hold that COVID-19 has on us, at least until the vaccine is made available. We need to remember that it is for the safety of all to consciously follow the advisory protocol. One thing is for sure that Covid19 has been a life changing experience for most people throughout the the time to come people will be more conscious about health, hygiene and food and this is for good. This pandemic induced lockdown has given time to people to contemplate about the future and draw battle lines for action.
Furthermore, to ensure that students receive proper care in the school under changed conditions to remain physically fit and mentally resilient, certain immunity boosting herbs can be given under supervision of experts. Changes in diet is advisable alongwith yogic exercises for insulation from the virus. During initial months school counsellor and teachers have to remain in close coordination to provide necessary support to students and to alleviate their immediate problems.
Outdoor activities, like trekking and nature trails, can be carried out within the campus in small batches. These activities can become a source of relief for students and teachers, even while maintaining essential safety norms. Educational tours and outings for students must be stopped till it is safe to venture out .
However, an important step for planners will be to restrict certain school activities and allow those that discourage crowding of students. It may be difficult to do,but some changes have to be made in the yearly activity calendar for the safety of all.
All this seems formidable, but all that is envisaged can be achieved .All that which is required is sheer effort and will to succeed. Till the vaccine is bottled out of the lab,it is our concerted effort that will help us to confine Coronavirus that still remains a defiant novelty for humanity at large and will also enable us to bridge the distance post Covid19.